Example for the pricing of hotel rooms. Hoteliers who display rates on their website gain trust. While others rely on online booking platforms and lose.
Example for the pricing of hotel rooms. Hoteliers who display rates on their website gain trust. While others rely on online booking platforms and lose.

Som hotelldirektør eller hotelleier vet du at gjester kan være uforutsigbare - noen skriver hyggelige anmeldelser, mens andre har en lang liste med klager. Uansett er det viktig å vite hvordan du skal svare på disse anmeldelsene, slik at hotellet ditt kan dra nytte av dem. I dag er gjestenes opplevelse blitt et avgjørende kriterium når man booker et hotell på nettet via en tredjepart.

Her er noen flere grunner til hvorfor du bør svare på dine egne hotellpriser:

  • A response to online booking fees shows that you listen and care about your guests.
  • To show that you have good customer service.
  • Offer your own hotel rates and let your guests know your actual tour operator, just to avoid both parties being charged from high third-party online commissions.

Hotel rates are an important factor for guests and hoteliers. After the price, the ratings and reviews of your hotel facility are also the decisive criterion for booking your hotel or not.

Hotel room rates are based on the principle of "trust through real rates".