The Green Park Hotel Sivas, Kadıburhanettin
The Green Park Hotel Sivas, Kadıburhanettin

Kadıburhanettin Mahallesi, Toptancılar Caddesi No: 1, TR 58030, Sivas

Experience luxury and comfort in the heart of Sivas.

Stay at favourable prices in The Green Park Sivas hotel. INN.TR provides official contact details of the hotelier The Green Park in Kadıburhanettin for booking deals.
  • +90 346 858 00 00
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The Green Park Sivas is a and offers its guests a unique accommodation experience with its 148 modern, comfortable and tastefully furnished rooms. The hotel has a total capacity of 750 beds, including 146 standard rooms and 2 suites. It is very close to historical and modern places.

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