Belek, Serik, Antalya

Belek is a and neighbourhood in the Serik district of the province Antalya in Türkiye. Belek is tourism industry and is home to more than 50 four-star and five-star hotels and many other accommodation services and entertainment facilities.

Sports in Belek

In Belek Tourism Center, there are 55 football fields and 13 training areas in 20 facilities, and a total of 253 tennis courts with different features in 43 facilities. Belek is the largest organized golfer's destination in Türkiye.

Discover offers from Belek hoteliers on your next holiday experience. INN.TR provides official contact details of the hoteliers in Belek for booking discounts without paying commissions, saving up to 30% about lodging for families.

Hotel pool in Belek, Serik, Antalya, Türkiye Belek Info Bookmark Link: Belek Mahallesi, Serik, Antalya

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